Berkshire is a heritage breed pig known for it’s high quality meat. It’s rumored that the pig was discovered over 300 years ago by Oliver Cromwell’s army in Reading, a town in the Berkshire County of South East England. Now, you can find it here in Gaucho Ranch from our new partners: Hunter Lulu Farm.
Berkshire pork is prized for its flavor, tenderness, juiciness, and marbling. Even cooking the chops with a simple pan sear or reverse sear steak oven method gives excellent results. And that’s what we’re doing today. We’re going to teach you how to get the best out of this pork with this pan sear recipe.

- 1 ¾ pounds Berkshire pork loin chops bone in
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 tablespoons high smoke point oil or fat like ghee or avocado oil
- 3 sprigs of thyme
- 1 sprig of rosemary
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 tablespoons butter or ghee
Before starting, it’s a good idea to take the pork chops out of the refrigerator and allow them to sit at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes. Don’t rub on salt and pepper until just before cooking because salt can draw water out of the meat.
After that, to make the recipe, you just have to follow these easy steps:
- Heat oil or fat in a skillet over high heat.
- Sear one side of the seasoned pork chops in the hot oil until browned.
- Add garlic, butter, and herbs then flip the meat.
- Sear the other side by cooking on medium-high until browned.
- Finish cooking in the oven until the meat registers 145°F.

- Bone-in chops have more flavor than boneless. You can use boneless but the bone adds flavor and helps keeping the meat juicy.
- Go for a thicker cut. Thinner cuts will cook faster which makes it easier to overcook and result in dry meat.
- Don’t move the meat while searing. Moving the meat will interfere with the necessary contact between the meat and pan that gives a good sear.
- Allow the chops to sit for a few minutes after cooking. The meat will be juicier if allowed to sit before cutting so the juices can redistribute throughout the entire cut
- Don’t cook the meat right from the refrigerator. Taking the chill out of the meat before cooking will result in juicier pork because the meat cooks more evenly.
After that you only need to serve and enjoy this magnificent pork. You can find this and any other of our premium sustainable meats at our website 24/7. Click here