Spread the rack and cook it over the grill, seared it on a pan or roasted in the oven with your favorite spices and it’s sure to be delicious. Remember...
Our ground lamb is perfect to test any of your new recipes. Lamb meatballs or kebabs on the grill are some of our favorite but don’t take our word for...
Sausage made from lamb, humanely raised with no antibiotics or hormones. Our merguez sausage is pork-free and made with 100% lamb in a sheep casing. Handmade with no nitrates, nitrites,...
Australia Lamb Picanha, if you love our gaucho beef you’ll definitely love lamb. This pack contains 4 units at about one pound per unit.
This product is sold frozen
Our lamb loins are lean and tender with a mild flavor that cooks up beautifully whether on the grill or in the pan. 100% grass fed and free range from...